Name of the Society | Human Resource Foundation (HRF) |
Address of the registered Office of the Society | 2/2,SKDR Nagar, Sri Vari Super Market Backside,Vishvanatham Road, Sivakasi- 626 189. |
Contact Person | A. Vijayakumar M.A., Project Director, |
Land Line | 04562 293409 |
Mobile Numbers | 09442640009, 9489249009,09894323071 |, | |
Website | |
Society Register Number | 65/2002 |
12 AA | AAAAH5769A/05/17-18/S-0765 |
Bank Details | Bank Name : Bank of India, Anaiyur Branch, Sivakasi A/C No : 824210210000020 IFSC code : BKID0008242PAN : AAAAH5769A NGO DARPAN : TN/2017/0167215 |
Registrar of the District within whose jurisdiction the office of the society is situated | Virudhunagar |
Operational area of the Society | Tamil Nadu State |
Other Registrations : Registration under PWD Act (section 52 of the persons with disabilities Act – 1995) | Regis No. 262/2012 |
Registered of Vocational Training Department of Employment and Training | SDI-MES-1/ 37915/2013, Dated 28.02.2014 |
Working Hours of the Society | 9 am to 5 pm, Field :2 pm to 9 pm |
With enthusiastic employees and volunteers, we are ready to support you no matter any time.